Morocco earthquake death toll climbs to 1305

The Moroccan Interior Ministry has just confirmed that the tragic death toll resulting from the recent 7-magnitude earthquake in Marrakech has surged to a devastating 1305 individuals.

Ekleme: 09.09.2023 23:31:33 / Güncelleme: 09.09.2023 23:31:33 / English News
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In an official statement released by the Ministry, the grim reality of the disaster in the El-Huz region of Marrakech is unfolding, with 1305 lives lost and 1832 people left injured, with a staggering 1220 of them in critical condition.

The powerful earthquake sent shockwaves across Morocco, extending its reach to the capital city Rabat, as well as Casablanca, Meknes, Agadir, and Fes.

This alarming update starkly contrasts with the initial report from the Moroccan Interior Ministry, which had initially stated the death toll at 1037.

The nation is now grappling with the profound and widespread impact of this natural disaster, as rescue and relief efforts intensify in the wake of this devastating event. (ILKHA)