European Orphan Hand launches stationery aid campaign for students in Diyarbakır

Just days before the start of the new school year, European Orphan Hand, a prominent international aid organization, has sprung into action to meet the stationary needs of underprivileged students in Diyarbakır, Türkiye.

Ekleme: 09.09.2023 16:06:38 / Güncelleme: 09.09.2023 16:06:38 / English News / Diyarbakır Haberleri
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This campaign aims to provide crucial support to thousands of families, particularly in regions affected by recent earthquakes.

Collaborating with local aid organizations in Türkiye, European Orphan Hand (Avrupa Yetim Eli) has initiated a comprehensive stationery aid campaign targeting students in various provinces. Their primary focus, however, is on Diyarbakır, where they are determined to make a meaningful impact.

In a race against time, European Orphan Hand has accelerated its efforts to distribute thousands of stationery packages, meticulously prepared with the generous support of philanthropists, to underprivileged children before the school doors swing open.

Memduh Emek, the Representative of European Orphan Hand in Türkiye, provided insight into their mission, stating: “As European Orphan Hand, we are in Diyarbakır. The 2023-2024 academic year is about to begin. In preparation for the academic year, we've gathered stationery materials for orphans, vulnerable children, and other underprivileged students. Our preparations are complete, and we eagerly await our children, who are coming to us one by one. We have taken into account the needs of all our students, from primary school to high school, and tailored our aid packages accordingly.”

Emek emphasized the broader reach of European Orphan Hand across various regions in Türkiye, saying: “As European Orphan Hand, we are actively involved in numerous areas across Türkiye. One of our key activities is stationery aid. Given the global economic challenges we face, it's essential that we come together to help one another. Orphans, victims, and vulnerable children require our special attention and support. We are committed to delivering aid proportional to the generosity of our philanthropic supporters. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our benefactors, and we pray for their well-being.”

European Orphan Hand's dedicated efforts underline the importance of community support in times of need, and their commitment to uplifting the lives of disadvantaged children in Diyarbakır and beyond. (ILKHA)