Orphans Foundation provides school supplies to 100 students in Batman

The Orphans Foundation (Yetimler Vakfı) has extended a helping hand to 100 orphaned students in Batman, providing them with essential school bags and stationery items ahead of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Ekleme: 08.09.2023 12:36:33 / Güncelleme: 08.09.2023 12:36:33 / English News / Batman Haberleri
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This generous initiative, carried out by the Orphans Foundation Batman Representative Office, has brought smiles to the faces of children in need.

Musab İmir, the representative of the Orphans Foundation, spoke to Ilke News Agency, expressing the organization's commitment to humanitarian efforts.

He revealed that they have distributed school bags and stationery worth 45 thousand Turkish Liras to support 100 orphaned students in Batman.

İmir expressed heartfelt gratitude to the philanthropists who have joined hands with the Orphans Foundation in their mission.

He stated: “As the Batman Representative of the Orphans Foundation, we have donated school bags and stationery materials valued at 45 thousand TL to 100 orphaned children living in Batman. We pray that Allah rewards all our compassionate brothers and sisters for their contributions. To reach more orphaned families in need, we kindly urge our generous benefactors to continue their support.”

This heartwarming initiative underscores the Orphans Foundation's dedication to providing essential resources and support to vulnerable children, ensuring they have the tools they need to pursue their education with confidence.

As the new academic year approaches, such acts of kindness make a significant difference in the lives of orphaned children, offering them hope for a brighter future. (ILKHA)