European Orphan Hand provides stationery aid to disaster-stricken children in Şanlıurfa

The international humanitarian organization European Orphan Hand (Avrupa Yetim Eli) has extended its support to hundreds of disaster-stricken children in Şanlıurfa, a region recently affected by both earthquakes and floods.

Ekleme: 07.09.2023 14:51:34 / Güncelleme: 07.09.2023 14:51:34 / English News / Şanlıurfa Haberleri
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In keeping with its commitment to assisting those in need, the organization fulfilled the stationery requirements of these young victims of natural disasters.

The gesture from European Orphan Hand, recognized for its global humanitarian initiatives, involved the provision of essential school supplies to hundreds of children in Şanlıurfa.

Each student received a bag containing the necessary items to facilitate their education.

During the distribution event, children were given the opportunity to choose the bags they preferred, with the assistance of volunteers from European Orphan Hand. The joy and gratitude of the children were palpable as they expressed their appreciation to the generous benefactors.

“European Orphan Hand has been actively engaged in humanitarian aid efforts in Türkiye’s earthquake-affected regions since the February 6 earthquake. We are committed to providing stationery aid to hundreds of students in Şanlıurfa. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the benefactors who support and contribute to our cause. We hope for the continued support of benefactors to ensure that the smiles and hopes of these children persist. May God accept their charitable efforts. Inshallah, we remain dedicated to nurturing the aspirations of our children,” Âdem Sarıkuş, an official from European Orphan Hand, told Ilke News Agency. (ILKHA)