Former Turkish minister found dead in pool

Kutbettin Arzu, Türkiye's former Minister of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, was found dead in the pool at the Turkish Grand National Assembly Lodgings in Yalova on Wednesday.

Ekleme: 30.08.2023 15:31:35 / Güncelleme: 30.08.2023 15:31:35 / English News / Yalova Haberleri
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Arzu, 68 years old, had been enjoying a vacation at the location when the unfortunate incident occurred.

The cause of death is suspected to be a heart attack. Police have launched an investigation.

The late Arzu is survived by his mourning family, including his spouse and four children, who are undoubtedly devastated by this sudden loss.

Kutbettin Arzu served as the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Livestock in the interim election government formed by Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu between 28 August and 17 November 2015.

He is a former Justice and Development Party (AKP) politician, having served as a Member of Parliament for the electoral district of Diyarbakır between 2007 and 2011. (ILKHA)