"Life is Beautiful with Prayer" event unites hundreds of children for congregational prayer in Istanbul

In a heartwarming display of unity and devotion, hundreds of children gathered for the "Life is Beautiful with Prayer" event, organized by the Qur'anic Generation Platform Marmara Coordinatorship in Istanbul.

Ekleme: 28.08.2023 09:36:28 / Güncelleme: 28.08.2023 09:36:28 / English News / İstanbul Haberleri
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The event aimed to foster a spiritual atmosphere and promote lifelong worship practices, garnering admiration from across the nation.

The Qur'anic Generation Platform, dedicated to instilling the habit of prayer in children, orchestrated the event at the Başakşehir Central Mosque in Başakşehir National Garden. Preceding the event, children underwent three weeks of prayer training, culminating in a congregational prayer gathering.

Accompanied by their families, the children embarked on a procession to the mosque, resonating with takbirs, salawats, and the uplifting slogan, "Life is Beautiful with Prayer."

The mosque's prayer program commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran following the afternoon prayer. Following this, the children engaged in 2 rak'ahs of nafl prayer, reciting verses and hadiths they had diligently memorized regarding the significance of prayer in Islam.

During the event, Researcher-Author Mehmet Ali Ortaç delivered a thought-provoking speech, emphasizing the centrality of prayer in human life. Ortaç underlined: "Prayer is the essence of life, peace of mind, and heart."

He expounded on the significance of worshiping the Creator, highlighting that prayer brings tranquility and continuation of inner peace. Ortaç also underscored that despite the diverse paths people may follow, prayer unites humanity in the quest for happiness and serenity.

The event reached its poignant finale with heartfelt supplications and prayers, symbolizing the collective yearning for spiritual growth and harmony.

The "Life is Beautiful with Prayer" event stands as a testament to the power of communal devotion and the enduring impact of instilling prayer as an integral part of life.

As the echoes of this event ripple through the nation, it serves as a reminder of the profound connection between prayer, inner peace, and the shared aspiration for a harmonious existence. (ILKHA)