International Organization for Migration (IOM) resumes operations in Kandahar province

In a significant development, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has successfully restarted its vital operations in Afghanistan’s Kandahar province, as confirmed by the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation.

Ekleme: 21.08.2023 15:21:25 / Güncelleme: 21.08.2023 15:21:25 / English News
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This announcement comes after a temporary closure of two months of the IOM office in Spin Boldak, a strategic border town adjoining Pakistan.

The temporary closure, attributed to unspecified reasons, had raised concerns about the welfare of returning refugees and displaced individuals who relied on the organization's assistance.

However, following a series of productive meetings with local authorities, the IOM has managed to swiftly resume its critical work.

One of the primary roles of the IOM is to provide much-needed aid to those returning to their homes after enduring displacement and hardship. With the closure of the Spin Boldak office, there were worries about the families who had recently returned to the region.

To address these concerns, the IOM representative has assured affected families that assistance will be provided, offering a glimmer of hope during uncertain times.

The Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation and the IOM have forged an agreement to establish strong coordination and collaboration mechanisms. This partnership aims to tackle challenges that may arise and ensure the efficient delivery of services to newcomers and those seeking support in the region.

The resumption of IOM operations in Kandahar province marks a positive step towards aiding vulnerable populations and facilitating their transition back to normalcy. As the organization recommences its vital work, hopes are high that its efforts will significantly contribute to the well-being and stability of the region. (ILKHA)