Passenger bus crash in central Türkiye leaves 12 dead, 19 injured

A tragic incident unfolded in central Yozgat province of Türkiye on Monday morning, as a passenger bus traveling from Sivas to Istanbul met with a devastating crash.

Ekleme: 21.08.2023 10:06:38 / Güncelleme: 21.08.2023 10:06:38 / English News / Yozgat Haberleri
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The unfortunate event claimed the lives of at least 12 individuals, while leaving 19 others injured.

The injured passengers were swiftly transported to Sorgun State Hospital to receive the necessary medical attention and treatment.

Authorities have initiated a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the accident, aiming to uncover the factors that led to this heart-wrenching incident. (ILKHA)