Dozens of Palestinians injured in ZOF Nablus raid

94 Palestinians were injured as clashes erupted late Tuesday and at dawn Wednesday in Nablus after being stormed by large numbers of zionist occupation forces (ZOF).

Ekleme: 16.08.2023 13:21:33 / Güncelleme: 16.08.2023 13:21:33 / English News
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The Palestinian Red Crescent Society affirmed that a young man was seriously wounded by live fire in the chest, while a second was shot and injured before being detained. 

Another Palestinian was hit by a gas bomb in the head, while six others suffered from shrapnel injuries.

85 Palestinians also suffered from teargas inhalation.

The confrontations broke out when ZOF stormed the city accompanied by a bulldozer, to protect the settler buses while breaking into Youssef Tomb area.

The ZOF heavily used live fire and teargas bombs during the raid.

Jewish settlers organize periodic army-protected tours of Youssef Tomb.

The site has frequently been one of the most violent and heated areas of confrontation in Nablus since settlers began raiding it following the 1967 israeli occupation of the West Bank.

Both Palestinians and Jews claim counter narratives about its religious and national significance. 

Palestinians believe the shrine is the burial site of Sheikh Youssef Dweikat, a cleric who lived in the nearby Balata neighborhood.

Jewish settlers believe the shrine contains the tomb of the Prophet Youssef, a figure revered in both Islamic and Jewish religions.

The site is registered as an Islamic endowment at the Palestinian Authority's Department of Endowments in the city of Nablus. (ILKHA)