EU welcomes Tehran-Washington agreement on prisoner release and asset transfer

Peter Stano, spokesperson for the European Union's (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, has expressed the EU's approval of the recent agreement between Tehran and Washington concerning the release of prisoners.

Ekleme: 12.08.2023 12:21:28 / Güncelleme: 12.08.2023 12:21:28 / English News
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In reference to the accord involving the release of frozen financial assets and the liberation of certain US prisoners detained in Iran, Spokesperson Stano stated: "We extend our appreciation for the release of four US prisoners from confinement and their transition to house arrest. Our earnest desire is for their swift reunification with their families."

This week marked a pivotal moment as the United States and Iran tentatively reached an understanding. The agreement outlines the eventual release of five detained Americans in Iran and an undisclosed number of Iranians held in the US. The release will be facilitated following the transfer of frozen Iranian assets, amounting to billions of dollars, from South Korean banks to Qatar.

The intricate accord, a product of prolonged indirect negotiations between American and Iranian officials, was unveiled on Thursday. In a significant move, Iran relocated four out of the five Americans from prison to house arrest, while the fifth individual had previously been under house arrest. (ILKHA)