HÜDA PAR Chairman Zekeriya Yapıcıoğlu visits Adıyaman

HÜDA PAR Chairman Zekeriya Yapıcıoğlu arrived in Adıyaman to engage in a series of meetings aimed at extending support to earthquake victims and discussing the recovery efforts following the devastating earthquake that struck the region on February 6.

Ekleme: 09.08.2023 17:06:33 / Güncelleme: 09.08.2023 17:06:33 / English News / Adıyaman Haberleri
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During his visit, Yapıcıoğlu met with key officials and community leaders to gain insight into the ongoing relief and rebuilding operations.

Yapıcıoğlu's initial stop was the Adıyaman Governorate, where he met with Governor Dr. Osman Varol and a delegation accompanying him. The discussions revolved around the city's progress in addressing the aftermath of the earthquake and providing aid to those affected. Yapıcıoğlu and Varol engaged in a productive exchange of information regarding the urgent needs of the earthquake victims.

Subsequently, Yapıcıoğlu proceeded to the Adıyaman Municipality, where he held a meeting with Mayor Süleyman Kılınç. The focus of this conversation was on the challenges faced by earthquake victims and the steps being taken to alleviate their predicament. Yapıcıoğlu was briefed by Mayor Kılınç about the local issues within the municipality's jurisdiction.

In turn, Yapıcıoğlu conveyed the concerns he had gathered from the earthquake victims he had interacted with and engaged in a meaningful dialogue about potential solutions.

In a thoughtful gesture, Mayor Süleyman Kılınç presented Yapıcıoğlu with a painting adorned with the Asma'ul Husna, also known as the Divine Names – a collection of 99 names and attributes of Allah in Islamic tradition.

The meetings concluded with a commemorative photograph capturing the key participants of the discussions.

It was disclosed that Yapıcıoğlu's visit to Adıyaman would continue, underscoring his commitment to supporting the earthquake recovery efforts and facilitating collaboration among various stakeholders. (ILKHA)