HAMAS: Blood spilled in West Bank will erupt as volcano against zionist regime

In a recent statement, HAMAS official Majid Hassan conveyed a strong message of defiance, asserting that the bloodshed resulting from attacks in the West Bank would transform into a forceful eruption against the zionist occupation forces.

Ekleme: 08.08.2023 14:06:24 / Güncelleme: 08.08.2023 14:06:24 / English News
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Hassan emphasized the unwavering commitment of the Palestinian people to their land, honor, and dignity, underscoring their readiness to make further sacrifices for the liberation of their homeland from occupation.

Refusing to compromise on their core values, Hassan stressed that while the Palestinian people were prepared to endure significant sacrifices, they remained steadfast in their determination to retain their land and uphold their dignity. He noted the advancing momentum of the Palestinian struggle, drawing on historical events to support his point.

Highlighting a historical pattern, Hassan contended that instances of increased aggression and attacks by the occupation regime were met with a corresponding surge in resistance. He highlighted the recent unity among Palestinians in their support for the resistance, a unity that had emerged in response to efforts by the occupying forces to undermine the bond between the Palestinian people and the resistance movement.

Hassan noted that the ongoing attacks by the occupation forces had not only failed to dampen the Palestinian spirit but had, in fact, rejuvenated the determination of the people. He reported that the Palestinian populace continued to employ various means to defend their land and sacred sites, showcasing their resilience against the backdrop of a challenging environment.

The HAMAS leader also commented on the tactics employed by the Netanyahu government, describing it as "ultra-racist" and accusing it of attempting to instill fear among the Palestinian population through intensified violence and intimidation. Despite these efforts, Hassan maintained that the resolve of the Palestinian people remained unshaken.

With a potent metaphor, Hassan suggested that the bloodshed resulting from the recent attacks in the West Bank would serve as a metaphorical "volcano," ultimately erupting in the face of the zionist forces. This vivid imagery encapsulated his message of impending resistance against the occupying forces.

As tensions continue to escalate, Hassan's impassioned words underscore the unyielding determination of the Palestinian people and their commitment to the liberation of their homeland. (ILKHA)