Ecuador: Manta Mayor Agustín Intriago assassinated in shooting

The mayor of Manta, Ecuador's third largest city, was assassinated in a shooting incident on Sunday, which also resulted in the death of another person and left four others wounded, including two suspected attackers, according to authorities.

Ekleme: 24.07.2023 11:51:26 / Güncelleme: 24.07.2023 11:51:26 / English News
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Agustín Intriago, a 38-year-old lawyer and member of the local Better City movement, had recently been re-elected and started his new term in May.

Interior Minister Juan Zapata announced the tragic event, confirming the killing of Mayor Intriago and providing details about the other casualties.

“The two wounded individuals believed to be connected to the attack are receiving medical treatment under police supervision,” Zapata wrote on Twitter.

“The Policia Ecuador will not rest until they apprehend the perpetrators of this reprehensible attack and bring them to justice,” he added.

As of now, the motive behind the attack remains undisclosed. The shooting occurred while the mayor was conducting a visit to a neighborhood.

President Guillermo Lasso took to Twitter, expressing his grief and announcing that he had ordered the country's top police authority to swiftly identify the culprits.

Police units with specialized skills were immediately dispatched to the location to handle the situation.