China protests Taiwan Vice President's US visit

China has lodged formal protests with the United States over plans by Taiwan's vice president and presidential front-runner, William Lai, to make a stopover in the US next month.

Ekleme: 17.07.2023 19:51:28 / Güncelleme: 17.07.2023 19:51:28 / English News
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China considers Taiwan a breakaway province and has the intention to retake it by force if necessary. It also prohibits its diplomatic partners, including the US, from establishing formal ties with Taipei.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has expressed its firm opposition to any official exchanges between the US and Taiwan, rejecting visits by pro-Taiwan independence figures and any US support for such activities.

China has stated that it will closely monitor developments and take resolute measures to safeguard its national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

A senior US administration official responded to China's criticism by highlighting that such visits are not unusual, with previous vice presidential visits having occurred over the past two decades. The official encouraged Beijing not to use the visit as a pretext for interference or escalating tensions across the Taiwan Strait.

Lai's visit is expected to include a stop in the US as part of his trip to attend the inauguration of Paraguay's new president on August 15. Traditionally, Taiwan's leaders have made stopovers in the US before visiting their remaining diplomatic allies, particularly in Latin America.

These visits typically involve meetings with US officials, which has previously sparked anger from Beijing.

Taiwan has maintained that Lai's visit is simply a transit stop and that there are no plans for him to meet with US officials. However, China is likely to view the visit as a provocation and a challenge to its territorial integrity.

The visit comes at a time of heightened tensions between China and Taiwan, as Beijing has been increasing its military activity in the Taiwan Strait. The US has pledged to assist Taiwan in defending itself against an invasion, and has warned China against using force to achieve its goal of reunification.

The visit is also likely to be seen as a test of the new Biden administration's policy towards Taiwan. The administration has said that it will continue to support Taiwan's self-defense, but has also stressed the need to avoid actions that could provoke China.

It remains to be seen how China will react to Lai's visit. However, it is clear that the visit will further strain relations between China and Taiwan, and could have implications for the US-China relationship as well. (ILKHA)