Three zionist settlers wounded in W. Bank shooting operation

Three zionist settlers were injured, one seriously, during a Palestinian shooting operation in southern Bethlehem, south of the occupied West Bank, on Sunday morning.

Ekleme: 16.07.2023 11:41:22 / Güncelleme: 16.07.2023 11:41:22 / English News
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According to the Hebrew media, one settler was critically wounded and two others suffered mild injuries in the shooting operation that happened on a road outside the illegal settlement of Teqoa, south of Bethlehem.

The zionist occupation army said that the shooter arrived at the Teqoa junction in a car and fired at three israelis while they were inside their own vehicle before escaping the area.

The army also alerted to the possibility that another person was involved in the attack, and that a search for two Palestinian young men was underway. (ILKHA)