Altun calls for international cooperation against FETO

Fahrettin Altun, the Director of Communications for the Turkish Presidency, addressed the participants of the "Panel on July 15: Türkiye's Victory of Democracy" organized by the Presidential Communications Directorate in Stockholm and Berlin via video message.

Ekleme: 14.07.2023 09:26:22 / Güncelleme: 14.07.2023 09:26:22 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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Altun, the Director of Communications for the Turkish Presidency, highlighted the significance of the seventh anniversary of the foiled coup attempt by the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETO) infiltrators within the Turkish Armed Forces.

Altun emphasized that on the night of July 15, 2016, the Turkish nation faced a treacherous attack that devastated key institutions, including the Presidential Complex, Turkish Grand National Assembly, Bosphorus bridges, and security and intelligence agencies.

He stated: "People from all over the country flocked to the streets, avenues, and squares in response to the President's call, rendering their bodies as shields against this heinous raid. Our nation, led by our President, soundly defeated the July 15 tutelage supporters, coup plotters, and invaders."

Remembering the sacrifice of the 252 martyrs who defended their homeland against the traitors, Altun conveyed condolences to their families and expressed gratitude to the veterans. He emphasized that the fight against FETO continues to this day, with the Turkish state exerting all its efforts to eliminate the organization from institutions and organizations, particularly the armed forces and security forces.

Altun criticized certain focus groups, including those who remained silent during the coup attempt or accepted the putschists as equals, stating that they failed the test of supporting democracy and human rights.

However, he highlighted the resilience and determination of the Turkish nation and state, mentioning the successful cleansing of FETO from various sectors and the positive outcomes achieved by the state mechanism under the political will.

The Director of Communications stressed that FETO poses a threat not only to Turkey but to every nation that allows its existence, and he called for international cooperation and solidarity to combat the global terrorist organization.

Altun reaffirmed Turkey's commitment to fighting terrorism both domestically and abroad, underscoring that the nation rejected and thwarted FETO's subsequent attempts to undermine stability.

Altun concluded his message by stating that Turkey, in the "Century of Türkiye," will build upon its achievements, continue defending democracy and peace, and remain a regional and global stronghold of these values.

What happened during July 15th coup attempt in Türkiye?

The July 15th coup attempt in Turkey was a significant event in the country's recent history. On the night of July 15, 2016, a faction within the Turkish Armed Forces attempted to overthrow the government and seize control of the country. The coup attempt was orchestrated by members of the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETO), led by exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen.

The coup plotters initiated their operation by deploying military personnel, shutting down critical infrastructure, and seizing key locations such as the Presidential Complex, Turkish Grand National Assembly, and strategic bridges in Istanbul. They aimed to topple President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his government, accusing them of authoritarianism and undermining secularism.

However, their efforts were met with strong resistance from the Turkish people. Upon hearing about the coup attempt, citizens took to the streets in mass demonstrations, answering President Erdogan's call to protect democracy. They confronted the military tanks and stood in the way of the coup plotters, showing immense courage and determination.

The confrontation resulted in violent clashes between the coup plotters and the people defending their democracy. Tragically, 252 individuals, including civilians and security forces, lost their lives, and thousands were injured during the chaotic events of that night. However, the resolute opposition of the Turkish people ultimately foiled the coup attempt, and President Erdogan's government regained control.

In the aftermath of the failed coup, the Turkish government declared a state of emergency to address the threat posed by FETO and its supporters within various institutions. Thousands of military personnel, civil servants, and individuals suspected of involvement with the coup were arrested, and a thorough investigation was launched to dismantle the FETO network.

The coup attempt had a profound impact on Turkish society and politics. It further polarized the country, with supporters of President Erdogan and his government rallying around the defense of democracy, while opposition groups raised concerns about the government's response and subsequent crackdown on dissent. The Turkish government has continued its efforts to eliminate the influence of FETO, both domestically and internationally, while the event itself remains a significant and somber reminder of the importance of safeguarding democracy. (ILKHA)