Zionist regime imposes 6-month travel ban on Palestinian scholar Sheikh Ekrime Sabri

Zionist intelligence forces raided the residence of Sheikh Akrama Sabri, the head of the Higher Islamic Authority in Jerusalem, and handed him a decision signed by the Minister of Interior, imposing a travel ban on him for six months.

Ekleme: 12.07.2023 09:21:25 / Güncelleme: 12.07.2023 09:21:25 / English News
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The ban was imposed on the grounds that Sheikh Sabri's activities endanger the security of the zionist entity.

Sheikh Sabri's legal team condemned the ban, saying that it was a clear escalation of political and religious harassment against him.

They called on Arab and Islamic countries to take action to halt the unjust persecution against Sheikh Sabri.

Sheikh Sabri himself said that the travel ban was part of the ongoing pressure on anyone who remains steadfast in their position regarding the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

“This is part of the ongoing pressure on anyone who remains steadfast in their position regarding the Al-Aqsa Mosque,” Sheikh Akrama Sabri said.

"We will protect the Gate of Mercy and every inch of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque,” he added.

Sheikh Akrama Sabri is a prominent Palestinian scholar and the head of the Higher Islamic Authority in Jerusalem.

He is a vocal critic of the zionist occupation and has been a leading figure in the Palestinian resistance movement.

He has been arrested and detained zionist authorities on numerous occasions.

The imposition of a travel ban on Sheikh Akrama Sabri is a clear attempt by the Zionist occupation to silence him and prevent him from carrying out his work.

The ban is also a sign of the increasing restrictions that the zionist occupation is placing on Palestinians in Jerusalem.

Sheikh Sabri's case is a reminder of the importance of defending the rights of Palestinians and upholding the principles of freedom of expression and religious freedom. (ILKHA)