IUMS calls on Islamic countries to sever relations with Sweden

The International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) organized a massive rally at Fatih Mosque in Istanbul, urging the Islamic countries to sever all political and economic ties with Sweden in response to the recent desecration of the Quran.

Ekleme: 07.07.2023 20:06:29 / Güncelleme: 07.07.2023 20:06:29 / English News / İstanbul Haberleri
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The event was attended by the President of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, Ali al-Qaradaghi, the President of the Palestinian Association, Dr. Nawaf Takruri, Mehmet Eşin, the Deputy Chairman of HÜDA PAR (Free Cause Party), and many scholars, opinion leaders, and representatives of NGOs from the Islamic world.

In a powerful address, President of the World Union of Muslim Scholars, Ali al-Qaradaghi, passionately called upon the Islamic world to unite and take action. He stated: “Tearing the Mushaf (Quran) will never harm the Quran and Muslims.”

Al-Qaradaghi denounced the massacre in the Jenin Camp, emphasizing, “We strongly condemn the massacres taking place in places as sacred to us as Jerusalem. Not only the acts committed by the occupying Israel but also the recent campaigns of slander against our Prophet (peace be upon him) and the cartoons in France deserve condemnation.”

Highlighting the recent Quran desecration in Sweden, Al-Qaradaghi declared: “Their tearing of the Mushaf will never harm the Quran and Muslims. They can only harm one Mushaf, but thousands of Mushafs will continue to reside in our hearts.”

Urging action, he stated: “I call upon the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and all Muslim leaders... I demand the cutting of all political and economic relations with Sweden. Because Sweden understands only this language.”

Al-Qaradaghi emphasized the need for international courts to intervene, saying: “The disrespect and harm to not only the Islamic religion but all religions and their sanctities should be prohibited by international courts.” He urged politicians and opinion leaders to act swiftly, stating: “Politicians, as well as opinion leaders, should urgently work towards establishing punitive rules against those who insult all religions, particularly Sweden, based on international norms.”

Addressing Muslims in Sweden directly, Al-Qaradaghi stressed: “Utilize your legal rights to the fullest extent... We demand that our brothers and sisters in Sweden resort to courts, exercise all their rights at the United Nations and other platforms. The false accusations made are not only dangerous for Islam but for all religions.”

Concluding his speech, Al-Qaradaghi directed his message to the United Nations, questioning their role in maintaining peace and stability. He declared: “If the United Nations truly seeks to maintain world peace and stability, it should immediately prohibit the insults to our Prophet and our holy book through legal measures and punish the perpetrators with the harshest penalties. This is the most important duty of the United Nations.”

The rally, with its resolute call to sever relations with Sweden and its united stance against attacks on Islamic sanctities, showcased the determination of the Islamic world to protect their religion and stand against any form of disrespect. (ILKHA)