Elon Musk imposes tweet reading limits on Twitter to curb data scraping

Elon Musk, the renowned entrepreneur and owner of Twitter, has recently announced a new set of restrictions on the platform to deter excessive data scraping and system manipulation.

Ekleme: 02.07.2023 09:51:26 / Güncelleme: 02.07.2023 09:51:26 / English News
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These limitations, unveiled on Friday, swiftly led to a surge in user reports, with over 7,500 individuals encountering difficulties while using the popular social media service.

Initially, Musk outlined the tweet reading limits as follows: verified accounts would be restricted to reading 6,000 posts per day, while unverified accounts would face a cap of 600 posts per day. Additionally, new unverified accounts would be further limited to 300 posts daily. However, responding to user feedback, Musk decided to revise these limitations.

In an update, Musk adjusted the temporary reading allowances as follows: verified users would now be able to read up to 10,000 posts per day, while unverified users would have a limit of 1,000 posts per day. New unverified users, on the other hand, would be restricted to a maximum of 500 posts daily.

The objective of these restrictions is “to discourage activities such as extensive data scraping and manipulation within the Twitter ecosystem,” according to Elon Musk.

By implementing these measures, Musk aims “to maintain a more balanced and secure user experience on the platform.”

The impact of these limitations has already been significant, prompting a substantial number of users to encounter difficulties accessing Twitter. As the platform continues to refine its strategies to address data scraping and system manipulation concerns, users can expect ongoing updates and potential adjustments to these restrictions. (ILKHA)