Turkish Presidency condemns burning of Holy Quran in Sweden

Fahrettin Altun, the Director of Communications for the Turkish Presidency, has strongly denounced the burning of the Holy Quran in front of a mosque in Stockholm, Sweden. Altun expressed his frustration with the recurring acts of Islamophobia and hatred towards the religion, particularly within European authorities.

Ekleme: 28.06.2023 23:41:27 / Güncelleme: 28.06.2023 23:41:27 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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In a social media post shared in English, Altun labeled the Quran burning in Sweden as "disgusting and despicable," emphasizing the timing of the incident on one of the holiest days for Muslims. He further asserted that those seeking to become allies with NATO should not tolerate or enable the destructive actions of Islamophobic and xenophobic terrorists.

Altun's post stated: "This is obviously yet another provocative terrorist act targeting our religion on this sacred day. As our Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said, whoever enables this criminal act is complicit. Swedish authorities must take swift action and take a clear stance against terrorism in all of its forms. They cannot hide behind the excuse of freedom of expression and freedom of speech."

Highlighting the importance of combating terrorism as a fundamental requirement in a civilized society and a prerequisite for serious alliances, Altun expressed hope that European authorities would recognize the threat posed by hatred against Islam.

The condemnation from Fahrettin Altun reflects Turkey's stance on the issue and calls for decisive action against acts of terrorism and religious intolerance. The incident in Sweden serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle to combat Islamophobia and underscores the need for increased efforts to foster understanding and respect among diverse communities. (ILKHA)