Palestinian scholars call for support against attacks by zionist settlers

The Union of Palestinian Scholars held a press conference in Gaza Strip, joined by scholars from Istanbul and Doha, to address the Islamic world and appeal for financial and moral support in the face of escalating crimes committed by Jewish settlers.

Ekleme: 25.06.2023 11:51:24 / Güncelleme: 25.06.2023 11:51:24 / English News
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The scholars shared information about recent incidents, including attacks on mosques and the desecration of copies of the Holy Quran in the West Bank.

During the conference, Vail Ez-Zerd, a member of the Union of Palestinian Scholars, stressed the urgent need for all Muslims to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, providing both financial and moral assistance.

He highlighted the increasing tensions caused by the occupying forces and Jewish settlers, who operate under the protection of the occupation regime, particularly emphasizing attacks on Palestinian villages in Jenin, Nablus, and Ramallah.

Ez-Zerd said: “The presence of the occupation regime in Palestinian territories calls for a steadfast resistance against the occupying Jewish settlers. The bloodshed caused by any Jewish settler who targets Palestinians, assaults their homes, violates mosques, and damages copies of the Quran is considered permissible (halal).”

He went on to emphasize that the struggle of the Palestinian people against occupation is not an act of terrorism but an obligatory individual jihad. Ez-Zerd urged Muslims worldwide to support the Palestinian cause to the best of their abilities, calling for prayers and financial assistance to be directed towards the guardians of Al-Aqsa Mosque in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

The Union of Palestinian Scholars' appeal seeks to garner support from the Islamic world, raising awareness about the challenges faced by Palestinians and the importance of collective action to protect their rights and sacred places. (ILKHA)