Deputy Foreign Ministers of Türkiye, Russia, Iran, and Syria to convene in Astana for crucial talks

Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, is set to host a significant meeting on Tuesday as the deputy foreign ministers of Turkey, Russia, Iran, and Syria come together to engage in discussions of utmost importance.

Ekleme: 20.06.2023 08:16:23 / Güncelleme: 20.06.2023 08:16:23 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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The gathering aims to address a range of pressing matters, including the normalization of relations between Türkiye and Syria, counterterrorism strategies, political processes, and humanitarian concerns like the safe and voluntary repatriation of Syrians.

This upcoming meeting follows a pivotal diplomatic encounter held in Moscow on May 10, during which the foreign ministers of the four nations reached an agreement to establish a committee dedicated to the normalization of Türkiye-Syria relations.

Since the early months of 2011, Syria has been embroiled in a devastating civil war that emerged in response to the severe repression unleashed by the Assad regime against pro-democracy protests. The forthcoming discussions in Astana stand as a testament to the ongoing efforts made to address the complex challenges faced by the region and foster much-needed stability.

As international attention remains focused on the outcome of these talks, the world eagerly awaits updates regarding potential breakthroughs and the future direction of relations between Türkiye and Syria, as well as broader efforts aimed at ensuring peace, security, and humanitarian relief in the war-torn nation. (ILKHA)