Jordanian Islamic party warns of the dangers of zionist plan to divide Al-Aqsa Mosque

Jordan’s Islamic Action Front party (IAF) has warned of the dangers targeting the Al-Aqsa Mosque by the new zionist plan that aims to impose spatial division on the holy site. 

Ekleme: 13.06.2023 08:17:04 / Güncelleme: 13.06.2023 08:17:04 / English News
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In a press statement on Monday, the party said that the zionist regime’s attempts to seize control of 70 percent of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in favor of Jewish settlers constitutes a flagrant violation.  

The IAF stressed that the plan indicates that the zionist government is persistent in changing the status quo of the Al-Aqsa Mosque by imposing the spatial and temporal division on the Mosque.

“Such Israeli plans constitute a flagrant violation of Jordan’s custodianship of the Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem,” the IAF underlined, calling on the Jordanian government to annul the Wadi Araba peace agreement with Israel and cancel the gas import agreement with it.

The party condemned the Arab and Muslim countries’ inaction towards the Judaization plans at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, calling on these countries to assume their responsibility and protect the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the israeli desecration. 

Member of Knesset Amit Halevi had proposed a plan to divide the Al-Aqsa Mosque by seizing control of the northern area of the Mosque in addition to the Dome of the Rock in favor of Jewish settlers. (ILKHA)