Interior Minister Haqqani: Afghans triumphed over invaders through faith and unity

Sirajuddin Haqqani, the Acting Inetiror Minister of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, participated in a meeting with scholars and elders in Faryab province during his visit to the northern regions of Afghanistan.

Ekleme: 12.06.2023 11:31:48 / Güncelleme: 12.06.2023 11:31:48 / English News
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During the gathering, Shoaib Mohammad Resalat, the Provincial Governor of Faryab, expressed his admiration for the visiting leaders, regarding them as exceptional individuals whose presence would bring blessings and happiness to the region, according to an official statement by the ministry.

Resalat took the opportunity to emphasize the remarkable sacrifices made by Faryab's Mujahidin in their efforts to establish the Islamic system. He reassured that their support for the current system would remain unwavering, ensuring continuous cooperation, as mentioned in the statement.

In response, Minister Haqqani acknowledged and commended the sacrifices made by the province's residents, praising their courage and active involvement in the nation's struggle for freedom. The statement emphasized that their contributions would be enshrined as extraordinary achievements within the annals of history.

In light of the rumors and conspiracies propagated by colonial powers, Haqqani shed light on the deliberate attempts to sow division and discord among the Afghan people. However, he expressed gratitude that these malicious schemes had failed to succeed, leaving the nation intact.

Furthermore, Haqqani underscored the paramount importance of unity among the Afghan people as a means to forge a peaceful and progressive future. He stressed that concerted efforts were necessary to overcome the persistent challenges and adversities, ultimately leading to the creation of a harmonious and prosperous nation. (ILKHA)