Putin and Saudi crown prince discuss trade, energy cooperation in phone call

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud recently engaged in a phone conversation, centering their discussions on strengthening trade, economy, and energy cooperation.

Ekleme: 08.06.2023 21:09:22 / Güncelleme: 08.06.2023 21:09:22 / English News
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The leaders also deliberated on joint actions within the framework of OPEC+ to ensure stability in the global energy market, according to a statement released by the Kremlin.

Both President Putin and Crown Prince Mohammed expressed their deep appreciation for the extensive collaboration within the OPEC+ alliance. The statement highlighted their recognition of the alliance's effectiveness in implementing timely measures to maintain a balance between oil demand and supply. Specifically, they emphasized the significance of the agreements reached during the recent ministerial meeting held in Riyadh.

The leaders also touched upon various aspects of Russia-Saudi Arabia interaction within other multilateral organizations, indicating a broader scope of their bilateral engagement.

The phone call signifies the ongoing efforts by Russia and Saudi Arabia to strengthen their ties in crucial sectors such as trade, energy, and economy, while also reflecting their commitment to promoting stability in the global energy market. (ILKHA)