Sudanese diplomat to visit Türkiye to discuss bilateral relations

The Turkish Foreign Ministry has released a press statement regarding the upcoming visit of Ambassador Dafallah Alhaj Ali, the Special Representative of Abdul Fatah Al-Burhan, President of Sudan's Sovereignty Council, to Türkiye.

Ekleme: 08.06.2023 11:41:28 / Güncelleme: 08.06.2023 11:41:28 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
Destek için 

In the statement, the ministry disclosed that Ambassador Dafallah Alhaj Ali, who serves as the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Sudan, will be undertaking an official visit to Türkiye on 8-9 June 2023 in his capacity as the Special Representative of President Abdul Fatah Al-Burhan.

“Ambassador Burak Akçapar, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Ambassador Dafallah will discuss the current situation in Sudan and exchange views on bilateral relations and regional developments,” the Ministry said.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry emphasized that Türkiye remains committed to taking all necessary actions to facilitate an immediate cessation of hostilities and the establishment of a peaceful environment in Sudan, a country that shares a friendly and brotherly relationship with Türkiye.

The visit of Ambassador Dafallah Alhaj Ali to Türkiye signifies the mutual commitment of both nations to strengthen their ties and work collaboratively on key issues of common interest.  (ILKHA)