64 Palestinian children killed in West Bank since beginning of 2022

Zionist occupation forces have killed 64 Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank since the beginning of 2022, according to the Palestine date center “Mu’ti” in a statement on Sunday. 

Ekleme: 05.06.2023 09:56:23 / Güncelleme: 05.06.2023 09:56:23 / English News
Destek için 

The bodies of the Palestinian children Atallah Rayyan, Yusuf Subh, and Karim al-Qawasmi have been withheld by israel since 2016, Mu'ti added in its statement on the occasion of the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression..

It underlined that 176 Palestinian citizens, including 45 children and seven women, were martyred in 2022, adding that this number is the largest in four years.

For its part, the Hamas Movement said in a statement on the same occasion that the escalating Israeli crimes against Palestinian children will not weaken the Palestinian people’s determination to defend their rights and lands. 

“The continued international inaction towards Israeli crimes against Palestinian children gives Israel the green light to practice further terrorism against innocent Palestinian children,” the Movement affirmed. 

It called on all human rights organizations to assume their responsibility towards Palestinian children and protect them from Israeli aggression in addition to releasing the imprisoned children in Israeli jails.

In a separate development, a Palestinian child was injured after an israeli military vehicle ran over him to the east of Nablus on Sunday morning. 

Eyewitnesses reported that 14-year-old Zain Hneini suffered bruises after he was run over by an Israeli army vehicle in Beit Furik town in eastern Nablus.

Earlier today, zionist occupation forces fired live bullets, tear gas bombs, and stun grenades at Palestinian citizens after storming Beit Furik town while Palestinian students were leaving their schools. (ILKHA)