Ali Yerlikaya assumes office as Türkiye's new interior minister, pledges commitment to law and security

In a symbolic handover ceremony at the ministry building, Ali Yerlikaya officially took over as Turkey's Interior Minister following his appointment by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Ekleme: 04.06.2023 14:36:22 / Güncelleme: 04.06.2023 14:36:22 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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The event marked a transition in leadership within the Ministry of Interior, with former Minister Süleyman Soylu expressing his support for the new appointment.

During his speech, Minister Yerlikaya expressed gratitude to President Erdogan for entrusting him with the vital role of Interior Minister. He acknowledged the dedicated work and efforts of his predecessor, emphasizing the honor he felt in receiving the service flag from him.

Yerlikaya reaffirmed the ministry's core principles, stating that the law and human rights would serve as the fundamental reference for their work. He underlined their unwavering commitment to combatting terrorism, organized crime, cybercrime, drugs, and irregular migration, asserting that the fight against all crimes and criminals would continue with determination and resolve.

The new Interior Minister emphasized the ministry's responsibility in ensuring peace and security for Turkey's 85 million citizens across the nation. From Edirne to Hakkari, Sinop to Hatay, Yerlikaya pledged to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of the people while preserving the country's indivisible integrity and unshakable brotherhood. He viewed every citizen as an entrusted responsibility and stressed the ministry's dedication to serving the people.

Yerlikaya highlighted the collective efforts to heal the wounds in earthquake-stricken regions and the significance of the brotherhood mobilization, which aimed to leave a lasting impact on Turkey's future. While pursuing these goals, the Minister emphasized that their ultimate aim was to seek the pleasure of Allah and earn the blessings and prayers of the nation.

Ali Yerlikaya's appointment as Interior Minister reflects Turkey's ongoing commitment to law enforcement, security, and preserving the welfare of its citizens. His speech exemplified the ministry's dedication to upholding human rights, combating crime, and fostering a united and prosperous nation. (ILKHA)