Erdoğan extends best wishes to students taking High School Entrance Exam (LGS)

In a social media post, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan expressed his heartfelt wishes for success to the students preparing to take the High School Entrance Exam (LGS).

Ekleme: 04.06.2023 09:51:24 / Güncelleme: 04.06.2023 09:51:24 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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Addressing the young examinees, Erdoğan conveyed his hopes and prayers, saying: “I wish all our children, who represent the future of our nation and will be sitting for the LGS, clarity of mind and abundant success bestowed by Allah. I have full confidence in each and every one of you as we work together to shape Türkiye's Century. May this exam bring blessings to you, your families, and our beloved country.”

The High School Entrance Exam (LGS) is a crucial milestone in the educational journey of Turkish students, as it determines their placement in high schools across the country.

The exam covers a range of subjects, testing their knowledge and skills acquired during their middle school years. (ILKHA)