Zionist forces fatally shoot 112 Palestinians in Jerusalem and West Bank in 2023

According to a report released by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), zionist forces have been responsible for the deaths of 112 Palestinians in occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank since the start of the year until May 29.

Ekleme: 03.06.2023 09:46:27 / Güncelleme: 03.06.2023 09:46:27 / English News
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The report also revealed that a total of 4,229 Palestinians has been injured during this period.

The report highlights that among the casualties, 107 Palestinians were killed by zionist forces in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, while 5 were victims of attacks by fanatic Jewish settlers. Additionally, 105 Palestinians were injured due to these attacks.

Disturbingly, the homes of 575 Palestinians in East Jerusalem and the West Bank were destroyed by zionist forces, further exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in the region.

In response to these incidents, Palestinian demonstrations took place in Palestinian territories.

The UN report sheds light on the alarming escalation of violence and human rights violations occurring in occupied territories.

The international community is urged to take immediate action to address the situation, protect civilians, and promote a peaceful resolution to the conflict. (ILKHA)