HÜDA PAR Chairman expresses gratitude for President Erdogan's re-election victory

In response to the outcome of the presidential run-off election, which resulted in President Erdogan's victory, Zekeriya Yapıcıoğlu, the Chairman of HÜDA PAR, released a statement expressing his appreciation.

Ekleme: 28.05.2023 22:36:30 / Güncelleme: 28.05.2023 22:36:30 / English News
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Taking to Twitter, HÜDA PAR Chairman Yapıcıoğlu conveyed his gratitude and praise to Allah, stating: “Alhamdulillah. Praise and thanks be to Allah for granting us success in re-electing President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.”

The statement from the HÜDA PAR leader reflects their satisfaction and support for President Erdogan's win in the elections. HÜDA PAR, an Islamic political party in Türkiye, has shown its commitment to upholding religious values and principles in the country's political landscape.

President Erdogan's victory in the second-round elections solidifies his position as Türkiye's leader, securing him another term in office. The expression of gratitude by Chairman Yapıcıoğlu highlights the significance of this outcome for HÜDA PAR and its supporters.

The re-election of President Erdogan holds substantial implications for the future direction of Türkiye, and it is evident that HÜDA PAR stands firmly behind him. The party's support aligns with their vision and objectives, which are centered around preserving and promoting Islamic values in the political sphere.

As the nation moves forward under the leadership of President Erdogan, it remains to be seen how his re-election will shape Türkiye's political landscape and the policies implemented during his renewed term in office. (ILKHA)