Erdogan takes the lead in preliminary partial results of Turkish presidential election

Preliminary partial results of the Turkish presidential election indicate that incumbent President Erdogan is leading with 55.1 percent of the counted ballot boxes.

Ekleme: 28.05.2023 19:06:36 / Güncelleme: 28.05.2023 19:06:36 / English News
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According to Türkiye's state-run Anadolu Agency, Erdogan's opponent, Kılıçdaroğlu, currently stands at 44.20 percent, trailing behind.

The Turkish Supreme Election Council has now lifted the ban on broadcasting election results as of 18:15 p.m. local time (15:15 GMT), allowing the dissemination of the latest updates.

Ahmet Yener, the president of the Supreme Electoral Council of Türkiye, affirmed that the voting process was conducted without any reported allegations of spurious or fraudulent activity.

Yener stated: "Thus far, our council has not received any negative reports or incidents that could have impacted the integrity of the voting process. Any objections that were raised during the voting process were duly evaluated and forwarded to the relevant provincial and district election boards."

He expressed gratitude to the voters, presidential candidates, representatives, political parties, officials working at the ballot boxes, as well as the various ministries, public institutions, organizations, non-governmental organizations, and security officers involved in ensuring a smooth electoral process. Yener also extended appreciation to the press for their coverage throughout the entire process.

In conclusion, Yener conveyed his well-wishes for the Turkish nation and the democratic process, emphasizing the significance of maintaining a strong democracy for the country's future. (ILKHA)