HÜDA PAR Chairman urges support for President Erdoğan in second round of elections

Zekeriya Yapıcıoğlu, the Chairman of HÜDA PAR (Free Cause Party), embarked on a series of visits to gather support for President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ahead of the upcoming second round of presidential elections.

Ekleme: 27.05.2023 12:06:25 / Güncelleme: 27.05.2023 12:06:25 / English News / Bursa Haberleri
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As part of his campaign, Yapıcıoğlu held a meeting with citizens at the Bingöllüler Association (BİNDER) in Bursa.

During the gathering, Yapıcıoğlu encouraged citizens to actively participate in the electoral process and vote for President Erdoğan in the upcoming Sunday election. He emphasized the importance of convincing those who did not cast their votes in the first round to exercise their democratic right. Yapıcıoğlu acknowledged the favorable prospects for victory but stressed the need for continued efforts, citing the potential chaos that would have ensued if the People's Alliance candidate had received 49.5% of the vote in the initial round.

He emphasized the resilience of President Erdoğan, noting the accusations of dictatorial tendencies while highlighting his acceptance of the election's outcome despite surpassing the required threshold to proceed to the second round. Yapıcıoğlu contrasted this with the claims of victory by the opposition candidate, who failed to reach a substantial percentage of the votes.

Drawing attention to external influences, Yapıcıoğlu mentioned a statement made by U.S. President Joe Biden over a year before the election, suggesting a desire to overthrow the Turkish government without resorting to a coup. Yapıcıoğlu underlined the failed coup attempt in July 2016 and the determination of the Turkish people to protect their democracy, stating that those who sought to stage a coup knew they could no longer succeed.

"If President Erdoğan wins the election by a small margin, they will do their best to create chaos in the streets with events similar to the Gezi protests and the October 6-8 incidents," Yapıcıoğlu said.

Yapıcıoğlu also addressed claims from imperialist powers that they would remove President Erdoğan by supporting the opposition. He warned that if Erdoğan's victory was not achieved through the ballot box and he won by a narrow margin, these forces would spare no effort to create chaos on the streets.

In addition, Yapıcıoğlu highlighted the current global economic crisis and the presence of significant international crises in the region, emphasizing the necessity for Türkiye to be governed by a strong, experienced, and resolute leader. He urged all citizens to exercise their voting rights, emphasizing the potential repercussions of a political crisis on the nation and the country as a whole.

On Sunday, Türkiye will witness the highly anticipated presidential runoff election, expected to draw the participation of more than 61 million citizens. This pivotal election will determine whether President Erdogan will extend his rule for a third decade.

In the initial round of voting held on May 14, Erdogan secured 49.5% of the votes, falling just short of the majority required to avoid a runoff. His primary rival, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, representing a coalition of six opposition parties, obtained 44.9% support. Sinan Ogan, the nationalist candidate, received 5.2% of the votes and was subsequently eliminated from contention. These outcomes defied earlier predictions by pollsters who had favored Kılıçdaroğlu.

As the date for the decisive runoff election approaches, all attention is focused on the Turkish electorate, whose votes will hold immense sway in shaping the future leadership of the nation. The election's outcome carries significant implications for Türkiye's political landscape.

With the stage now set for the crucial presidential runoff, citizens eagerly anticipate the opportunity to exercise their right to vote and influence the trajectory of the country moving forward. (ILKHA)