Türkiye’s religious authority emphasizes importance of family in Friday sermon

The Religious Affairs Directorate of Türkiye has issued its weekly Friday sermon, which was delivered at over 85,000 mosques within the country and more than 2,000 mosques abroad under its authority.

Ekleme: 12.05.2023 14:31:21 / Güncelleme: 12.05.2023 14:31:21 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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The sermon, titled "Man and Woman: Revered Beings Worthy of Dignity," highlighted the significance of the family unit in fostering a healthy society.

According to the sermon, the family is regarded as one of the greatest blessings bestowed by the Divine, bringing solace to the soul and happiness to the heart.

Provided below is the full transcript of the sermon.:

Dear Muslims!

In the verse I have recited, our Lord Almighty (swt) states, "O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female..."

In the hadith I have read, our beloved Prophet (saw) says, "The best of you is he who is best to his family..."

Dear Believers!

The 15th of May is the International Day of Families. Family is the most important institution that protects the honor and dignity of a man and a woman and enables them to live in a halal circle. Family is one of the greatest blessings our Lord (swt) has bestowed on His servants, giving peace to the soul and joy to the heart. Family is a fortified stronghold and a safe haven that ensures the protection and survival of human generation.

Family is established through a legitimate marriage act between a man and a woman in the presence of witnesses. When a woman forms a family, she becomes a mother, and when she becomes a mother, heaven is placed under her feet. Mother is the embodiment of mercy, compassion and sacrifice. Mother is the source of love and affection. When a man forms a family, he becomes a father. Father is the embodiment of justice, peace and trust. Father is the pillar and unshakable support of the family. Mother and father are the very reason for human existence.

Dear Muslims!

It is considered fornication according to Islam to have extra-marital unions out of wedlock. Fornication is one of the major sins that our religion declares haram. Regrettably, ruined are many people because of fornication. Wrecked are many families because of fornication. Dashed are many hopes because of fornication. Our Almighty Lord (swt), however, states in the Holy Qur'an as follows:           وَلَا تَقْرَبُوا الزِّنٰٓى اِنَّهُ كَانَ فَاحِشَةًۜ وَسَٓاءَ سَب۪يلاً “Do not go near adultery. It is truly a shameful deed and an evil way."

Dear Believers!

It is sad that family structure, which constitutes the bedrock of society, is exposed to destructive effects more and more every day. Extramarital unions are being condoned. Inappropriate content on social media and some television shows and programs threaten the family structure. What falls upon us at a time like this is to be more aware of our responsibilities in order to establish peace and trust within the family.

Dear Muslims!

One of the aims of our supreme religion Islam is to build a strong family structure based on love and respect, loyalty and trust. In this context, Islam imposes individual responsibilities on each family member.

The responsibility of the spouses towards each other is not to turn marriage into a competition, but to see each other as Allah's entrustment. It is to support one another in wealth and dearth, in good times and in sorrow. The responsibility of parents is to teach their children our national and spiritual values. It is to spare time for them, to show them love and to offer them a safe and peaceful family environment. The responsibility of children is to respect the rights of their parents. It is to speak kindly with them, to treat them with mercy. It is to not even say "uff!" to them, and to seek their supplications.

Dear Believers!

Our Almighty Lord (swt) has created us as men and women. Women, as women, and men, as men, are dignified beings worthy of all kinds of respect. All of the deviant approaches that aim to disrupt the pure human nature, created by our Almighty Lord (swt) as the most honored of beings, interfere with the creation of human by ignoring the divine will. Gender selection is not an area of personal freedom. Behaviors aimed at disrupting human nature can never be legitimized by hiding behind the rhetoric of freedom. Improper understandings and preferences that are incompatible with our religion's view of women and men disrupt the family structure, destroy the human generation and lead the society to disaster.

Dear Muslims!

When our family structure is shaken, it is not possible to maintain our national existence. Today, as in the past, the family is the only refuge that will make us strong and protect us from all kinds of harmful trends. So, let us know the value of our family, which is our paradise on earth. Let us be vigilant against all kinds of harmful trends that threaten our family structure. Let us sincerely adhere to the principles enjoined by our religion in family life as in every field. Let us make more effort to make kindness and grace, compassion and affection, modesty and chastity prevail in our family.

I would like to conclude this Friday's khutbah with the following supplication in the Holy Quran: "Our Lord! Bless us with pious spouses and offspring who will be the joy of our hearts, and make us models for the righteous.” (ILKHA)