Uzbekistan's President Shavkat Mirziyoyev calls snap presidential election

Uzbekistan's President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has announced a snap presidential election on July 9th, stating that he needs a new mandate to deal with the challenging global and regional circumstances.

Ekleme: 08.05.2023 23:16:24 / Güncelleme: 08.05.2023 23:16:24 / English News
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Despite having served only two years of his second term, Mirziyoyev feels the need for a fresh mandate to implement further reforms in the country.

In a referendum on April 30th, the Uzbek voters approved a package of constitutional amendments that allow Mirziyoyev to run for two more terms, with each term extended to seven years from five, potentially keeping him in power until 2040.

Mirziyoyev has signed a law permitting him to call an early election, which could see him serve another term.

“Utilizing the authority bestowed upon the president by article 128 of the revised constitution, I have issued another significant decree. This decree stipulates that the upcoming presidential elections in our nation will take place prior to the originally scheduled date,” Mirzoyoyev said on Telegram.

In the country with a population of 35 million, there is a notable absence of prominent opposition figures capable of challenging Mirziyoyev.

He has garnered praise domestically and internationally for his efforts in liberalizing the former Soviet republic and facilitating foreign trade and investment by opening up its economy. (ILKHA)