Turkish President Erdogan addresses party rally in Istanbul, announces 1.7 million attendees

Turkish President and Chairman of the Justice and Development (AK) Party, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, addressed citizens during a party rally in Istanbul.

Ekleme: 07.05.2023 20:51:26 / Güncelleme: 07.05.2023 20:51:26 / English News / İstanbul Haberleri
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Speaking at the rally held at the Ataturk Airport National Garden, President Erdogan announced that the official number of attendees was 1.7 million.

During his speech in Istanbul, Erdogan emphasized the numerous services and projects that have contributed to the development of the country and provided its citizens with a peaceful and secure life.

He highlighted the remarkable progress achieved throughout his tenure, from his time as the Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality to his roles as Prime Minister and President of Turkey, despite facing various obstacles.

Erdogan emphasized the city's transformation through infrastructure and superstructure investments, making it a globally admired metropolis. He also mentioned the significant democratic and developmental strides made during his tenure, thwarting various plots against the country.

“We have tripled Türkiye’s national income over the past 21 years”

Stating that Turkey's national income has tripled over the past 21 years, Erdogan underscored the improvement in the quality of life for Turkish citizens, highlighting the inauguration of schools, universities, hospitals, roads, tunnels, bridges, airports, and railway lines across all 81 provinces of the country.

Acknowledging the challenges posed by recent global crises and the exacerbation of problems caused by earthquakes, Erdogan assured citizens that the government is fully aware of the impact on the country.

He expressed the commitment to address issues such as the high cost of living, particularly housing and food expenses, which have been influenced by greed and seasonal conditions.

Erdogan reassured the public that all these concerns will be resolved over time, and he pledged to implement all the projects outlined in the party's election declaration. (ILKHA)