UN urges thorough investigation into death of Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan

United Nations called for a comprehensive inquiry into the demise of Khader Adnan, a Palestinian prisoner who passed away after an 86-day hunger strike in protest against being held in israeli detention without trial or charge.

Ekleme: 03.05.2023 11:46:17 / Güncelleme: 03.05.2023 11:46:17 / English News
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Adnan, a prominent figure in the Islamic Jihad group, had become a symbol of Palestinian resistance to the zionist occupation regime’s detention policies.

The UN's deputy spokesman, Farhan Haq, stated that zionist authorities must ensure a thorough investigation into the circumstances of his death.

The secretary-general reiterated his call for israel to cease the practice of administrative detention and promptly charge and try individuals held under this policy in a court of law or release them without delay. (ILKHA)