Zekeriya Yapıcıoğlu comments on upcoming film depicting Yasin Börü's murder

Zekeriya Yapıcıoğlu, the leader of HÜDA PAR and a parliamentary candidate for the AK Party in Istanbul, has commented on the trailer for an upcoming movie titled "6-8 October".

Ekleme: 02.05.2023 20:10:35 / Güncelleme: 02.05.2023 20:10:35 / English News
Destek için 

The movie portrays the murder of Şehid Yasin Börü and his companions, who were distributing sacrificial meat to the needy in different parts of Turkey on October 6, 2014, when they were killed by supporters of the HDP/PKK.

The trailer for the film has been released and has garnered significant attention on social media. In a post on his Twitter account, Yapıcıoğlu expressed his hope that the movie would bring attention to this heinous act and lead to a better understanding of the mentality they are fighting against.

The trailer for the movie has received hundreds of thousands of views on social media, and the hashtag #YasinBörüFilm has been trending as the top topic on Twitter. Those who have shared the hashtag expressed their anticipation for the upcoming film, believing that it will reveal the true intentions of those who oppose Islam. (ILKHA)
