Türkiye welcomes peaceful constitutional referendum in Uzbekistan

The Turkish Foreign Ministry has released a statement regarding the recent constitutional referendum in Uzbekistan.

Ekleme: 01.05.2023 06:09:19 / Güncelleme: 01.05.2023 06:09:19 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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The Ministry expressed its satisfaction that the referendum took place in a peaceful and calm environment on Sunday.

"We attach great importance to the stability and prosperity of Uzbekistan, with which we have deep-rooted ties, and wish that the results of the referendum would be auspicious for the friendly and brotherly Uzbek people," the Ministry said.

The Ministry reiterated that Turkey will continue to provide support for the reform process in Uzbekistan, a brotherly nation.

A referendum was held on Sunday in Uzbekistan to vote on significant legislative changes, which includes extending the presidential term from five to seven years. (ILKHA)