Russia introduces life imprisonment for high treason

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday approved a new law that introduces stricter penalties for terrorism and offenses against the state security.

Ekleme: 29.04.2023 13:26:22 / Güncelleme: 29.04.2023 13:26:22 / English News
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The law contains several amendments to the Russian Criminal Code that increase the maximum penalties for terrorism-related crimes.

High treason will now carry a maximum penalty of life imprisonment, as opposed to the previous maximum of 20 years.

The maximum penalty for terrorist attacks has also been raised from 15 to 20 years in prison.

Additionally, those involved in recruiting individuals for terrorist activities will now face a minimum sentence of seven years, as opposed to five years.

The punishment for damaging transport and life support facilities has also been increased to up to 20 years in prison.

Overall, the new law aims to strengthen Russia's response to terrorism and related crimes. (ILKHA)