Zionist forces wound 8 Palestinians in Jenin

On Tuesday afternoon, the Zionist occupation forces (ZOF) reportedly wounded eight Palestinian citizens and abducted three others in Jenin refugee camp.

Ekleme: 18.04.2023 19:06:18 / Güncelleme: 18.04.2023 19:06:18 / English News
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According to the Palestinian health ministry, seven of the citizens suffered minor injuries from bullets in their limbs, while a paramedic suffered shrapnel wounds.

Local sources stated that the ZOF had clashed with resistance fighters in the camp, resulting in damage to cars, stores, and homes.

The ZOF also confiscated a vehicle during the raid. Hebrew media sources claimed that the three young men who were abducted had planned to carry out an operation against israeli targets using explosive devices. (ILKHA)