Thousands gather in Diyarbakır to perform absentee funeral prayer for earthquake victims

The Union of Scholars and Madrasahs (ITTIHADUL ULEMA) held an event in Diyarbakır on Sunday to offer absentee funeral prayers for the victims of the catastrophic earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

Ekleme: 26.02.2023 18:36:24 / Güncelleme: 26.02.2023 18:36:24 / English News / Diyarbakır Haberleri
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Thousands of people gathered at July 15 Martyrs Parkı to ask forgiveness from Allah, and extend absentee funeral prayers for earthquake victims, hoping that the disasters will come to an end at a time when people have a sense of overwhelming fear and panic due to the earthquakes that struck the country.

The mass performed the noon prayer and then the funeral prayer in absentia under the leadership of Mullah Abdulkuddüs Yalçın, a member of ITTIHADUL ULEMA.

People joined in the prayer that Yalçın recited and said “Amen”. During the prayer, it was seen that some people could not hold back their tears.

Yalçın Hodja made the following supplications in the prayer he read:

O, the One who answers the prayers of those who take refuge in Him by praying! We are asking you, gathered here, with our hands open to the sky, taking shelter in your endless mercy. Do not turn our hands empty, O Lord!

O Allah, who loves those who repent and accepts repentance!

We regret all our mistakes and sins that we have committed knowingly or unknowingly, and we repent and seek forgiveness, accept from us, o Lord! We seek refuge in Your pleasure from Your anger and in Your forgiveness from Your torment. O Allah! do not punish us for our sins.

O our Lord, who loves to forgive and is forgiving! O Allah, the most merciful!

We have no shelter but you. We beg you, trusting in your mercy and hoping for your forgiveness. We beg you. Forgive all our brothers who died in the earthquake, us and all Muslims who died in the past, O Allah!

For the sake of your greatest name, for the sake of the Holy Quran which is the source of the guidance, for the sake of our Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH), for the sake of our innocent children, for the sake of our bent-backed elders, for the sake of your servants whose prayers are accepted, forgive us, O Lord.

Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You forgive us not and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be of the losers and the perished.

O our Lord, who is all-powerful and omnipotent! Like Musa said “Would you destroy us because of the fools among us”, we also beg you and say: Do not destroy us, O Lord, because of those who are rebellious among us, those who transgress the limits in committing sins, those who violate the right of people, ignoring the account they will be brought to in the hereafter, and those who commit all kinds of cruelty!

O our Lord, the sole owner of the time, space, property, and sovereignty! We do not consider this great earthquake we are facing apart from your test, and we accept it as a warning with the awareness that it has spiritual reasons and wisdom as well as material reasons and wisdom. Grant us to take a lesson as necessary and learn the necessary lesson. O our Almighty Lord, who created the universe and all beings out of nothing!

If you had wished, of course, you could have taken our lives and our property as well. But you wanted some of us to survive, let us consider this as a chance and serve you properly. Make this great disaster an opportunity for improvement and guidance, O Lord!

O Allah, the all-knowing, all-seeing and all-hearing. We refer to you the immoral people who try to deceive our Muslim people after the earthquake with false information and lies, misleading our people. They are the helpers of the devil, who lack morals and protect us and our other Muslim brothers from their evil.

O Allah, the owner of the earth and heavens!

Grant unity and solidarity to the Islamic Ummah, and bestow upon us glory again. Make us a community of brothers with one mind, one heart. Grant us unity and solidarity, patience and fortitude, foresight and wisdom. O Allah, do not give an opportunity to those who try to disturb our peace, set us against each other, and cause strife and mischief!

O, our Lord, the Turner of the hearts!

Do not let our hearts deviate after you have guided us. Make our hearts firm upon your religion and turn our hearts towards the direction that you are pleased with. Please grant us to revive and rise again with the supreme values of Islam.

O Allah, the Lord of the worlds!  We have no place to go but your door and your lodge, you are so merciful and generous not to send us from your door empty-handed.

O Allah, the most merciful! Have mercy on us, relieve our pain, heal our wounds, and be a salve to our wounds and sorrows with your mercy. Have mercy on the oppressed, O Allah, be the cure for those whose houses were destroyed in this cold and those who are desperate! Direct us to your cause and religion, and grant us awareness of the Islamic cause.

O Allah! Do not take our lives with your wrath, and do not destroy us with your wrath. Give us the chance to repent and do good deeds before warning us with your torment. O our Lord! Don't call us to account if we forget or err.

O Allah! There is no one who can forgive our sins, conceal our faults, turn our bad deeds into good ones except You, and there is no god but You, you are exalted, we praise you. We have wronged ourselves, not obeyed You properly, being lax in following Your orders. Forgive us, make us worthy servants of you, do not leave it to ourselves even for a moment.

O Allah! Grant us to turn away from vain things, to avoid sins firmly, to serve you in a way that you will be pleased with until we die, and to be patient with what happened to us!

O Allah! we need your mercy and grace more than ever in these hard times. Help us God! Take away our sorrows, and troubles! O Allah, relieve our pain with your compassion and mercy! Turn our hardship into ease, O Allah!

We seek refuge in Your mercy from your wrath. Make us dwell in safety, and grant us what we hope for. Don't make us suffer like this again, my God! Don't make us suffer like this again, my God! Don't make us suffer like this again, my God!

Accept with your mercy, O Allah, the prayers we make with our sinful tongues and hardened hearts. Add our prayers to the prayers of our Prophet, O Lord!” (ILKHA)