Zionist forces kidnap 13 Palestinians in West Bank and Jerusalem

The zionist occupation forces (ZOF) kidnaped on Monday a number of Palestinian citizens during dawn and morning raids in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Ekleme: 20.02.2023 13:40:44 / Güncelleme: 20.02.2023 13:40:44 / English News
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According to local sources, the ZOF kidnaped a citizen from his home in Silwad town, northeast of Ramallah.

The ZOF also kidnaped three other citizens during raids in Bil’in town in western Ramallah.

Four others were taken prisoners during IOF raids in al-Khader town in Bethlehem and Jaba town in southern Jenin.

In east Jerusalem, zionist police forces kidnaped two young men from the towns of Hizma and Ram and two others from Issawiya district. (ILKHA)