Hamas strongly condemns opening of Chadi embassy in zionist occupation entity

Palestine Islamic Resistance Movement has issued a press release regarding the opening of Chadi embassy in the zionist occupation entity.

Ekleme: 03.02.2023 11:36:23 / Güncelleme: 03.02.2023 11:36:23 / English News
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“We strongly condemn the opening of the Chadi embassy in the Israeli occupation state. Hamas believes that this move contradicts the general African stance that is against colonization and in support of the Palestinian people’s struggle for freedom and liberation against the fascist occupation,” Hamas said.

Hamas reiterated its position against any form of normalization of ties with the zionist occupation and urged Chad to backtrack on this move to protect the interests of the region.

“The Chadi government would rather support the Palestinian people against the israeli occupation’s crimes committed against the Palestinian people,” the movement added. (ILKHA)