Erbaş: We will continue to stand up against the attacks on Islam until our last breath

The head of Türkiye's main religious body, Ali Erbaş, spoke at the 42nd Provincial Muftis Consultation Meeting in Antalya on Thursday.

Ekleme: 02.02.2023 15:21:25 / Güncelleme: 02.02.2023 15:21:25 / English News / Antalya Haberleri
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Erbaş wished that the meeting will conduce to goodness in his speech that he gave at the opening ceremony.

Making evaluations regarding the recent attacks on the Holy Qur’an in Sweden, Netherlands and Denmark, Erbaş continued his words as follows:

“We are witnessing barbarous acts against our exalted book, the Holy Qur’an. Racist attacks targeting the sacred, values and beliefs of Muslims are increasing day by day, and it is even worse that the rulers of these countries are trying to support these shameful attacks under the guise of freedom of expression. This primitive attitude clearly shows what a double standard and hypocrisy the West, which often speaks of respect for basic human rights and universal values, implements when it comes to Islam and Muslims.”

“What has recently taken place there is nothing but hostility to Islam”

Reminding the expressions of Deceased Alija Izetbegovic, “The West has never been civilized and its current prosperity is based on its continued colonialism, the blood it spilled, the tears it shed and the suffering it inflicted,” Erbaş continued his words as follows:

“We need to declare these words loudly to the world on every occasion. What has recently taken place there is nothing but hostility to Islam. And it seems that those who carry a grudge against our faith, culture and civilization will continue their provocations, traps, and attacks. We will continue to defend our rights and values with prudence and discernment in the face of hostile attitudes, systematic provocations and racist attacks against Islam and Muslims until our last breath, and we are determined to do so, alhamdulillah.”

Pointing out that the socio-political, economic, and cultural dynamics of the age we live in should be understood well and that the backstage of the plays should be seen well, Erbaş said: “We must be aware of what is in the background of hostility to Islam in the West's subconscious, and we must be aware of what's going on in the East, in the West. We need this in order to put up an active and effective fight against those who attempt to harm the peace and security of Muslims and the peace and security of humanity. It is especially unthinkable that those who undertake their duty of representing and announcing Islam will remain alienated from what is happening in the world, and this is our primary duty as the spiritual guides of our cities.”

“We must eliminate the prejudices created against Islam”

Remarking that there are several political, economic, pragmatic, and sociocultural reasons behind the attacks on Islam and its values, President of Religious Affairs Erbaş said: “What really needs to be taken into consideration is the learned ignorance about Islam of Western societies that remain silent in the face of these heinous attacks. We need to read the causes of this ignorance well and find the best ways to combat it. In other words, we must eliminate the prejudices created against Islam, the religion of justice and mercy, wherever it is in the world.”

Pointing out that Islam a religion that was sent not only for the good and salvation of Muslims, but also for all humanity, Erbaş made the following statement, “The Holy Qur’an teaches us the ways of oneness, goodness, beauty, justice, and mercy. It suggests that fraternity, sharing, solidarity, and the morality of living together are virtues. Prophet Muhammad (saw) teaches us this. Our religion, Islam, aims to create such consciousness, awareness, and sensitivity in its followers.”

“If you recognize Islam, you will be a friend, not an enemy, you will love it”

Using the expression, “A person is the enemy of what he does not know,” Erbaş said the followings by making a call to all humanity:

“Come and get to know the Qur’an. You will see that there is a guide to life, a guideline, a Book of justice, morality and peace sent for all mankind, and you will be a friend to Him, not an enemy. Come and investigate the life of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), learn about him, know him, and you will understand that he was sent to the worlds as a mercy. You will recognize that He was sent for the greatest morality, you will know, and you will love Him very much. Come and try to understand Islam. You will see that it is a religion of balance, that it is the greatest blessing sent to the world to eliminate oppression, exploitation, injustice and inequity, to make goodness, a peaceful life, tranquillity, well-being, unity, solidarity, fraternity, justice and love prevail. you will be a friend of Islam, not an enemy and you will love it.

Stating that religious services that was given at the mosques was interrupted due to the pandemic, Erbaş used the following expressions, “We need to work with all our strength to make our mosques more vivid and enthusiastic than in the period before the pandemic. We need to make our mosques more functional with our youth, children, men, and women. I ask for a special work and effort from you to ensure that our nation performs the five daily prayers in the mosque.”

“Pulpits of the mosques requires kindness and grace”

Referring to the importance of the language and style in the preaching and guidance activities, Erbaş continued his words as follows: 

“The language of religion requires kindness and grace. Everyone who speaks, writes, and draws in areas such as faith, worship, decency, and morality should pay utmost attention to his style. We must especially protect the dignity of our mosque pulpits with sensitivity. Because those pulpits are the pulpits of Islam. They represent the morality of our Beloved Prophet (saw). Therefore, everyone who will go out there should act with this awareness and responsibility. This is not a choice, but a necessity. It is a requirement of our faith and morality to avoid attitudes that do not befit the reputation, dignity, and solemnity of our pulpits. Our Beloved Prophet (saw) says, “Make things easy and do not make things difficult. Give glad tidings and do not frighten them away.” This method is indispensable for us. This is the method that we can never give up. I underline that we have never tolerated the pollution of our pulpits with indiscriminate speeches that will make people uneasy, with hurtful, divisive, marginalizing discourses, with outrageous, baseless, and inconsistent claims and accusations. The only reference of our language, style, stance, and method of teaching people about Islam should be our Beloved Prophet (saw). He is the unfailing measure and the best example of our every work.”

“Healthy generations can only grow in the family home which was built on strong foundations”

Expressing that the focus of the activities of the Presidency of Religious Affairs is on family, youth and children, President of Religious Affairs talked as “The family is the essence and foundation of society. All the values that will sustain society are learned in the family. Love, respect, justice, mercy, and all the virtues that make human beings superior among beings are internalized in the family home. Virtuous individuals, healthy generations, and balanced people can only grow up in a family home that was built on strong foundations. On the other hand, the future of societies is shaped in the hands of young people, which is the most basic dynamic of that society. Building a peaceful and secure future is only possible with a youth who is financially and spiritually equipped.”

Warning that some media and digital media channels are broadcasting by targeting the family, President Erbaş said, “The damage caused by broadcasts, which disgrace the family institution, disregard our values, break the link between our youth and our culture and drag our generations into darkness, to the family peace, the world of faith and hearts of our young people, the social structure and our national future level is at a terrible level.”

“Broadcasts targeting the family are made with rating concerns”

Pointing out that broadcasts targeting the family are made with rating concerns, Erbaş made the following evaluations, “Is there a legitimate and reasonable justification for bringing confusing perversions to the screens with an approach that encourages young people? On the other hand, do those who bring some isolated pathological cases that do not reflect the general society to the screens in the most intimate details never think about the destruction this will cause in social psychology? In this regard, I invite media owners, producers, managers, everyone who produces and shares content in digital media to be more sensitive and responsible. Everyone who sees himself as a member of this nation should act with common sense in terms of our national and spiritual values.”

Governor of Antalya Ersin Yazıcı, Presidency of Religious Affairs Chairman of the High Board of Religious Affairs Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Haçkalı, Vice Presidents Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selim Argun, Dr. Burhan İşleyen, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Karslı, Kadir Dinç and senior executives of the Presidency were present at the opening ceremony of the meeting. (ILKHA)