Zionist occupation forces kill Palestinian young man in West Bank

The Palestinian Health Ministry said that the young man Nassim Abu Fouda, 26, was shot and killed by the zionits occupation forces (ZOF) in al-Khalil early on Monday.

Ekleme: 30.01.2023 13:07:26 / Güncelleme: 30.01.2023 13:07:26 / English News
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Local sources affirmed that the ZOF opened fire at a Palestinian vehicle at a military checkpoint south of the Ibrahimi Mosque, injuring Nassim Abu Fouda in the head.

Nassim was immediately taken to hospital, where he was proclaimed dead.

Meanwhile, clashes erupted after zionist forces violently stormed Silwan town, in Occupied Jerusalem.

Similar clashes also broke out in Deir Jarir, northeast of Ramallah, after being raided by the zionist army amid heavy firing of teargas bombs. (ILKHA)