Zionist occupation troops kidnap 18 Palestinians in Jerusalem and West Bank

The zionist occupation forces (ZOF) kidnaped on Thursday at least 18 Palestinian citizens during dawn raids in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Ekleme: 12.01.2023 13:51:15 / Güncelleme: 12.01.2023 13:51:15 / English News
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According to local sources, zionist police forces kidnaped 14 citizens during raids in Qalandia refugee camp, northeast of Occupied Jerusalem.

In Bethlehem, the ZOF kidnaped two young men from al-Deheisha refugee camp and another one from al-Dawha City.

In Qalqilya, one young man was reportedly taken prisoner following an ZOF raid on his home in the city.

The ZOF also raided several homes in Deir Samet town, southwest of al-Khalil, and confiscated a private car, with no reported arrests. (ILKHA)