Türkiye’s religious body releases weekly Friday sermon

Türkiye’s Religious Affairs Directorate has issued a weekly Friday sermon which has been delivered in all mosques across Turkey during Friday prayer.

Ekleme: 06.01.2023 14:06:13 / Güncelleme: 06.01.2023 14:06:13 / English News
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The full text of the sermon titled “Basmala: The Door to An Abundance of Divine Blessings”, is as follows:


“Allah! This name invokes we in beginning,

For this is ever due from us, his servants.

Allah! The name which brings to all who call it

God’s present aid, the weight of labour light’ning.

With every breath repeat the name, unceasing;

In Allah’s name see every task completed.”

Dear Muslims,

The late Suleyman Celebi started his Mawlid al-Sharif, which is a concise expression of love and devotion, affection and loyalty to our Prophet (saw), with these verses. Our Prophet (saw), who is mercy to the worlds, says, “Every important word or matter that does not begin with remembrance of Allah is considered incomplete.”  and advises us to begin every word and every deed with the Basmala.

So, let us begin with the Basmala now. Let us say Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, with love and ecstasy! Let us seek refuge with the Basmala, in the vast mercy and infinite forgiveness of Allah, the Entirely Merciful (al-Rahman) and the Especially Merciful (al-Rahim). For it is the Basmala that adds meaning to our lives and reminds us of our servitude to Allah (swt). It is the Basmala that beautifies our words; it is the Basmala that blesses our work.

Dear Believers!

The invitation of all prophets began with the Basmala. The Prophet Nuh (as) said, “Board it! In the Name of Allah it will sail and cast anchor. Surely my Lord is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” , and called the believers to the ship of salvation. The Prophet Sulayman (as) invited people to tawhid with the Basmala.  The Messenger of Allah (saw) became the addressee of the first revelation in the Name of Allah through the commandment, اِقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذ۪ي خَلَقَۚ  “Read, o Prophet, in the Name of your Lord Who created.”

Dear Muslims!

The Basmala is not just a word chanted by the tongue and hung on the walls on ornate plates. The Basmala is the intention to live for earning the pleasure of Allah (swt) in every breath. It is the determination to be honest in word and deed, to compete in goodness and kindness, and to avoid all kinds of haram and evil. It is to say, “O Lord! I want to do everything with Your help and permission, and I want to start everything with the remembrance of Your Name alone.”

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

The believer adopts the Basmala, the common dhikr of the world of existence, as the norm in every moment of their life. They find peace in the remembrance of the name of Allah, Who is al-Rahman and al-Rahim. They make their lives meaningful and seek a cure for their troubles by living with His name in their minds and hearts. Through His name they relieve their distress. The believer knows that every word that begins with the Basmala becomes auspicious. Every deed that begins with the Basmala becomes blessed. Every path taken with the Basmala becomes the one on the right path.

Dear Muslims!

The Basmala is the key to the door to mercy and peace in this world and in the Hereafter. Then, may all doors of love and mercy open with the Basmala. May feelings of hatred and enmity come to an end. May our words become reliable with the Basmala. May our deeds be blessed with the Basmala. May our whole life find meaning with the Basmala.

Dear Believers!

We are going through the most drought-stricken days in recent times. We are in need of divine mercy that will manifest itself as snow and rain. We stand before You, our Lord, in our helplessness. Do not withhold Your mercy from us, o Allah! It is You, Who sends down rains as drops of mercy from the sky. Send down on us abundant snow and rain! Do not leave our soils and us longing for water, o Allah! (ILKHA)