India asks 4,500 Muslim families to vacate land in Uttarakhand

The Uttarakhand High Court has ordered the demolition of 4,365 buildings built by the residents on 78 acres of railway land.

Ekleme: 02.01.2023 16:41:14 / Güncelleme: 02.01.2023 16:41:14 / English News
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About 4,500 Muslim families in Haldwani are in danger of being homeless in the name of railway encroachment.

Thousands of people including women and children hit the streets to register their peaceful protest against the High court order.

The protesters said that the demolition of the houses would affect a large number of women, children, and elderly persons residing in the area.

“We are standing against the High Court’s decision to remove our houses from here. There are around 4635 houses in the Haldwani area where more than 50000 people reside in. Where will we go? This decision of the Court is not in favor of the public,” a Muslim resident said. (ILKHA)