Zionist occupation forces kill 2 Palestinians in Jenin raid

The zionist occupation forces (ZOF) shot and killed two Palestinians after breaking into Kafr Dan village, west of Jenin in the occupied West Bank, at dawn Monday.

Ekleme: 02.01.2023 11:11:14 / Güncelleme: 02.01.2023 11:11:14 / English News
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The Palestinian Health Ministry affirmed that the young man, Muhammad Samer Hoshiyeh, 22, was killed after being shot in the chest, and the young man, Fouad Muhammad Abed, 25, died after being shot in the abdomen and thigh.

Six other Palestinians were injured during the military raid, one of them in critical condition.

The ZOF troops stormed overnight Kafr Dan village accompanied by a military bulldozer as a prelude to destroy the family houses of two slain Palestinians involved in a shooting attack that left an Israeli army officer killed.

The ZOF surrounded the two slain's family houses and arrested one of their family members, which led to the outbreak of violent clashes erupting amid heavy fire of teargas bombs and live ammunition.

Early on Monday morning, the ZOF blew up the family house of the slain Ahmed Abed in Kafr Dan.

Under its collective punishment policy, ZOF used to demolish family houses of Palestinians accused of conducting anti-occupation attacks in flagrant violation of international laws.

 224 Palestinians were killed by ZOF gunfire in 2022, including 59 in Jenin. (ILKHA)